Thursday, August 20, 2009

Using Music on the Web - INCOMPETECH

I chose two pieces of music from Incompetech called “Private Reflection” and “Classic Horror 3”. I chose these pieces of music for different reasons. Private reflection is music that is relaxing and can stimulate students into relaxing and imagining their wildest dreams. I would use this music in reflection time for the students. This way they can write down or think about what they have just learnt. I would use Classic Horror 3 to dramatize situations. I thought this music could also tie in with the Natural Disasters area. This will hopefully help students feel the fear of actually being a part of a disaster and this may also show them how it felt for the people who have been in those situations.

Today more and more teachers are exploring different instructional approaches and tools, including music, to help students appreciate the real and significant connections that exist among various fields of human endeavour (Sporborg, 1998). Music can be added to many different technologies to enhance student’s engagement. It can also be used in many different subject areas. Another way to incorporate Music into the classroom could be to have students create their own music for their blogs or wiki’s etc. Benjamin (2005) states that music that is listened to or created has a powerful effect on the mind.

Even though music can be used in many different contexts and can create an effective learning experience for students, it can also create implications in the classroom if it is not used in the right way. It is vital to make sure as a teacher you provide students with boundaries which they must follow e.g. no offensive language in the music. Teachers also need to be wary of copyright infringements and remind students that illegally downloading music from the Web is not appropriate and will not be tolerated in the classroom. It not only goes for the students but teachers have to watch what resources they use within the classroom and make sure they are not illegally using someone else’s work.

As mentioned above music can be used in a range of different contexts and I think it is a great tool to incorporate within the classroom to engage the students.

Benjamin, A (2005) Differentiated Instruction Using Technology: Eye on Education; New York.
MacLeod, K (2008) Royalty Free Music: Accessed on the 15th August 2009;
Sporborg, J (1998) Music in Every Classroom: Libraries Unlimited; United States of America.

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